AUTHOR & more!

Cantor Estherleon Schwartz is available for Radio, Television, Internet, Print and Digital interviews.
Simply Meditate (2017)
Simply Meditate With Your Dog and Meow (2018)
Simply Meditate For Giggles (2018)
Tears of Stone And my deal with God (2009)
Beth Shirah (House of Song) (1989)
A seasoned activist with multiple artistic talents, Cantor Estherleon Schwartz has a lot to share. Her upbeat and delightful personality will charm and entertain viewers and listeners alike. Some of the topics the Cantor can easily speak about include:
How Gratitude Buddie Circles can help dispel hate
How Simply Meditate is an inter-generational book
How Simply Meditate brings global Peace in a Peaceful Way
Is Simply Meditate the new 'Meditate for Dummies' book
Why Simply Meditate books are needed now
Aboard the Humanity Ship
A voice for the hungry
Being one of the first female cantors in Los Angeles
How Beth Shirah (House of Song) came to be
Why join Shabbos Buddies
From annihilation to forgiveness
The first book: Tears Of Stone And my deal with God
A child Holocaust survivor's family relationship story
Being a mother and grandmother
It's not what you are, it's what you can be and already are
Your private space anywhere - Just to be - a simple meditation technique
Creating sacred space in the home or office
Does Faith Really Matter
Motivational, inspirational concepts to walk by in grace
Songs, poetry, prose and story telling
Art and music in harmony
Sacred liturgical music
From Puccini to Pop