- Peace in a Peaceful Way -
Known for bringing her community together in multiple ways, Estherleon now brings the world together through her latest book series, Simply Meditate.

Author, Grandmother, Cantor, Food Activist, Singer, Spoken Word Artist and Space Designer.
Cantor Estherleon Schwartz is available for Radio, Television, Internet, Print and Digital interviews.
Simply Meditate (2017)
Simply Meditate with... Your Dog & Meow (2017)
Simply Meditate with... Giggles (2018)
Tears of Stone And my deal with God (2009)
Beth Shirah (House of Song) (1989)
Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
Bringing Peace in a Peaceful Way... Simply... through Mindfulness Meditations.
You are my voice of hope on earth to ensure that no human being goes to bed hungry, has a warm bed to sleep in, medicine, education, a fruitful and meaningful life, and a way to peace - in a peaceful way.
A seasoned activist with multiple artistic talents, Cantor Estherleon Schwartz has a lot to share. Her upbeat and delightful personality will endear and entertain viewers and listeners alike.
Some of the topics Estherleon can easily speak about include:
How Simply Meditate is an inter-generational book
How Simply Meditate brings global Peace in a Peaceful Way
Is Simply Meditate the new 'Meditate for Dummies' book
Why Gratitude Buddie Circles
Aboard the Humanity Ship
A voice for the hungry
Being one of the first female cantors in Los Angeles
How Beth Shirah (House of Song) came to be
Why join Shabbos Buddies
From annihilation to forgiveness
The first book: Tears Of Stone And my deal with God
A child Holocaust survivor's family relationship story
Being a mother and grandmother
It's not what you are, it's what you can be and already are
Your private space anywhere - Just to be - a simple meditation technique
Creating sacred space in the home or office
Does Faith Really Matter
Motivational, inspirational concepts to walk by in grace
Songs, poetry, prose and story telling
Art and music in harmony
Sacred liturgical music
From Puccini to Pop
Cantor Schwartz sang at the Hollywood Bowl for the 88th Annual Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service on April 12, 2009. She founded three non-denominational spiritual reading rooms under the non-profit “Beth Shirah” (Hebrew for: “House of Song”). Her storefront spiritual reading rooms were supported by contributions from Steven Spielberg and David Geffen. She later opened a music/meditation room in 2008 at Dr. Perry’s International Sport Science Institute in Los Angeles and another in 2013 at the Lark Gallery in West Hollywood.
In 2009, the Cantor released her first book of memoirs in a poetic style: Tears of Stone And my deal with God – A true story. Initially written as a letter to her children, the memories emerged as a coming-of-age story of a spiritual and creative woman, dealt a life of adversity and miracles, and centered around a complex mother/daughter relationship.
Cantor Schwartz was invited by the Voices of Women Worldwide to speak on a Ship of Goodwill in New York City on International Day of Peace, October 10, 2013 where she delivered a speech about remembering the children of the world who are victims of war. Surrounded by youth Ambassadors and children from the Harlem and other schools around New York, she told her own story as a Holocaust survivor and sang on board the Global Peace Odyssey while sailing at sunset on the East River in Manhattan towards the Statue of Liberty. In attendance were United Nations, religious and other dignitaries, the head of the New York Arch Diocese and numerous members of the press.
Ensuring that the history of the past is never forgotten, the Cantor associate produced a musical adaptation of the life of Holocaust survivor, Lucy Deutsch entitled, NO TIME TO WEEP.
Cantor Schwartz has presided over many cycles of life events, delivered countless invocations and has been invited to speak at such venues as the Buddhist Hsi Lai Temple, Baha'i Faith Centers and the Braille Institute, among others.
In 1989, Cantor Schwartz was elected to the Board of the United Nations Association’s Los Angeles Pacific Chapter as an Ambassador for Peace. Concurrently, she founded the California 501(c)(3) non-profit, Beth Shirah, (House of Song). Ten years later, in 1999, Schwartz provided one of the first, inter-faith, Yom Kippur services in Los Angeles. The Cantor continues to provide inter-faith High Holy Day services for her community.
Along with her support for peace and programs for eradicating hunger, Cantor Schwartz supports women’s programs, having donated her time to the Woman’s Club of Hollywood from 2003 – 2013. Often in philanthropic association with her women friends and colleagues, the Cantor gives the invocations to help with their endeavors, including, among many others, Carmelita Pittman, founder of The Rose Breast Cancer Society’s Annual Rose Variety Art Show, Ruth Klein’s 4G Branding workshop and Lark Larisa Pilinsky’s International Women’s Day event.
In 2011, Cantor Schwartz appointed herself as an unofficial Ambassador for Food for the Los Angeles based food bank, SOVA. The Cantor has also partnered with L.A. Food Bank to help replenish depleted, local food banks. For many years, together with a singing partner, Ivor Pyres, Schwartz availed herself to charity events. Their Voices of Hope concerts have raised efforts to restock local food banks.
Reaching out to her local community to provide inner peace and serenity during changing economic times, Cantor Schwartz provided a Sunday arts and serenity retreat at The Grove/Farmer’s Market from 2010 – 2013.
In recognition of her efforts to dispel religious and cultural discrimination to help achieve unification and peace, the MENSCH International Foundation (MIF) invited the Cantor to be a non-advisory Board member. On the heels of recognition from founder, Steve Geiger of MIF, Schwartz’s humanitarian outreach was also given kudos by Sir Michael Douglas Carlin, a Knight of a rogue order of the Knights of Malta, who invited the Cantor to be honored with knighthood. He presided as she was formally Knighted by Gail Blair, also a Knight of Malta, both of whom being two of the first few women to be afforded knighthood.
Cantor Schwartz’s outreach includes recognizing and assisting the homeless and the infirm. Over the years, she has worked with the elderly at Dan Mar nursing home. She also volunteers as a Para-Chaplain at Cedars Sinai Hospital bringing comfort to the ill with blessings, songs and the spoken word.
Cantor Schwartz’s father was a Polish businessman and her mother was a Viennese beauty queen. Cantor Schwartz was born in Marseilles, France when it was under Nazi occupation during World War II. At the age of three, the Cantor and her family escaped Nazi persecution when her parents found refuge in Switzerland. Four years later and along with hundreds of other refugees, the family arrived in New York aboard the Queen Mary. Eventually, the family settled in Los Angeles.
Cantor Schwartz grew up in the Fairfax District, attending Fairfax High School. She married her high school sweetheart immediately upon graduation and had two children. The couple divorced in 1966 and Schwartz retained custody of the children. Although she earned vocational degrees as a medical assistant and a counselor in early childhood development, with no formal education, the Cantor lived on the brink of poverty. Her strength came from her father and brother. Then in 1973, Cantor Schwartz’s father died of cancer, delivering a heavy emotional blow to her. In a unique twist of fate, four years later, Cantor Schwartz partnered with her brother, Sam, and opened their first, House of Cashmere, store in Beverly Hills. Overnight, Cantor Schwartz went from rags to riches expanding the stores into thirteen locations over seven years. It was during her sixth year in business that the Cantor's brother committed suicide leaving Cantor Schwartz feeling alone and lost. Six years later during an auspicious Friday at temple, Cantor Schwartz’s destiny would be changed forever. Impassioned by the service, the Cantor's heart called her to the pulpit. The next day she began her metamorphosis to become one of Los Angele’s first female cantors.
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. and worldwide by arrangement and via Skype or telephone.

Estherleon Schwartz
estherleon@estherleon.com Subject Line: Simply Meditate Media